Toys, Dolls, Games and Books from the past – Nov. 5, 12, 19, & 26


As summer turns to fall and thoughts of the holiday season, interested intermediate age children are invited to participate in a four session program at Pine Center for the Arts that will focus on toys, games, dolls and books of past eras plus historical context in which they were popular. Participants will also work on related art projects and hear examples of children’s literature from past eras. Students who attend all four sessions will  go on a field trip to the Alexander Ramsey House in St. Paul.

Session Dates:
November 5,12,19 and 26 at Pine Center for the Arts.

Session Times: after school til 4:45.      Field Trip dismissal is 1:45 and will arrive back to Pine City at 6:00 on November 20.

Registration dates for upcoming grades will be open beginning August 8th for grade 6, August 12th for grade 5 and August 16th for grade 4.

Please stop in to the art center to fill out the required  registration form. Payment can be made at that time. Our hours are Thursday – Saturday 10-5, Sunday 11-5

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